Types of Technology
Every technology has many attributes that define the technology. For instance, the type of technique used, the science behind the technology, the problem it solves, the business sector it is applied to are some attributes of technologies. These attributes provide ways to categorize technologies from various perspectives. Whichever perspective becomes stronger for a specific technology, the categorization under that perspective is typically used for classifying that technology.
Very often Technology is classified by Industry/Business Sector. Using that approach we can come to the following categorizations (not an exhaustive list):
Agri-Tech (Agriculture Technology)
Consumer Electronics Technology
Construction Technology
Energy Technology
Education Technology
Finance Technology
Healthcare Technology
Technology may also be classified by the Science behind the Technology or the specific application of the Science. Often, Industry or Business Sectors are classified based on the Science behind it, thus you may find overlaps between the two sets. low are some examples in this category:
Aviation Technology
Clean-Tech (Clean Energy Technology)
Gas Turbine Technology
Information Technology
Nano Technology
Nuclear Energy Technology
Sound Technology
Video Technolog
These classifications help put technologies in various buckets.