Project Planning
All projects need planning. This is irrespective of whether the Project is executed using a traditional waterfall model or an Agile approach, or any shade of project execution model in between. In fact, the model that is used to execute the project should be chosen based on an understanding of the project and the needs of its stakeholders – something that should happen as part of the planning process.
You need the right level of expertise to be able to plan a project well. While the managers and the project managers in your organization may be able to do an okay job, you have to be cautious of one major risk – any issue during the planning process will magnify many folds over the lifetime of the project. So, if you do not have experts planning the project, you run a higher risk of project failure.
Inceptone Inc. can help you with the planning of your projects. Please contact us at sales@inceptone.com
Project Management
Good planning puts a project in the right direction. To be able to maintain the direction to ensure that the project meets its goals, you need good execution. The role of the project manager is key at this point (you need the right project manager even in planning, but there is a bit more time to rescue a badly designed plan as compared to a badly executed project). If you do not get the right project manager for the job, you may end up jeopardizing the entire project.
Most hiring is done by functional managers. While they can do an okay job as they understand the business well, they generally lack the project management expertise to find the best project manager available in the market. Recruiters, on the other hand, are best for finding people in quantity. But, they generally lack the knowledge to find the right fit when it is a specialized position, such as a project manager, is needed. Best results would come if you mix, functional knowledge with project management knowledge and head-hunting knowledge, to look for the right candidate.
Inceptone Inc. can help you either with finding the right project manager or deciding on which project manager is the best fit. Please contact us at sales@inceptone.com
Project Review
Just like we need an annual health check every year to ensure our health is maintained at an expected level, our projects should also undergo a regular study of its health to ensure its tracking per expectation. You should do regular reviews of all projects, nevertheless the most critical ones.
Just like we do not run our own medical checks, even doctors don’t do their own medical checks, you should depend upon a third party to review your projects. This will result in an unbiased opinion on how your projects are running and what approaches to take to fix them.
Inceptone Inc. can help you with the review of your projects. Please contact us at sales@inceptone.com
Project Advisory
You need Management Advisory, Legal Advisory, Tax Advisory, Risk and Compliance Advisory, Financial Advisory. Why not Project Management advisory? After all, you’ll have to live with the results of your projects (e.g. a product) for many years after the project has been delivered, or at least until that result is replaced by the result from another project.
Inceptone Inc. can help you with the advisory needs on your projects. Please contact us at sales@inceptone.com